Device Restart

To restart the device choose one of the following options:

  • using the device buttons,

  • using the RESET button,

  • via the web configuration interface.

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The device restart does not result in any change in the configuration settings.

Restart Using Device Buttons

Restart the device in Settings > Advanced settings.

Enter a code to access the Advanced settings. Set the Advanced settings access code in the web configuration interface (Hardware > Display > Advanced settings code > Advanced settings code).

Restart Using RESET Button

Find the RESET button on the device backside.

The RESET button helps you reset the factory default values, restart the device, retrieve the device IP address and switch the IP address static/dynamic mode. Press the button shortly (< 1 s) to restart the system without changing configuration.

Restart Using Web Configuration Interface,

You can restart the device via the web configuration interface. Refer to Web Configuration Interface Login for login details. Restart the device in System > Maintenance > System using Restart.

The Home screen is displayed after restart. Restarting may take a rather long time after the button press.

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