Device Configuration Interface Access

2N IP One is configured via the administration web interface. Connect the device to the LAN IP and make sure it is properly powered. You have to know the IP address for access.

Domain Name

Enter the domain name as hostname.local. The new device Hostname consists of the device name and serial number. See below for the device name formats in Hostname. The serial number is entered without hyphens. You can change Hostname in System > Network later.

Default domain name 2N IP One: 2NIPOne-{serial number without dashes}.local (e.g.: 2NIPOne-0000000001.local)

Login based on a domain name is advantageous if the dynamic IP address is used. While the dynamic IP address changes, the domain name remains the same. It is possible to generate certificates signed by a trusted certification authority for the domain name.

IP address

To retrieve the device IP address, take the following steps, see :

Web Configuration Interface Login

  1. Fill in the 2N IP One address or domain name into the internet browser.

    The login screen is now displayed.

    Should the login screen fail to appear, you must have typed a wrong IP address, port, domain name or the administration web server has been switched off. If you do not have a certificate generated for the IP address or domain name, an invalid security certificate warning may be displayed. In this case, you need to confirm that you want to go to the web configuration interface.

  2. Enter the login data.

    The default login data are:

    Username: Admin

    Password: 2n

    It is necessary to change the password immediately upon the first login.

Tip|/-/media/Images/Manuals/css/tip.png Tip

It is recommended that a password is used that is difficult to break. It is not recommended that names, places or things, especially those closely related to the user, are used in the password.

For increased password security, it is recommended that:

  • the random password generator is used,

  • the password length is 12 characters at least,

  • various characters from different character sets are combined (small/capital letters, digits, special characters, etc.).

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